What the BBB and Porch.com Partnership Means for You

bbb-porch_landingpage_headerThe best way to search business reputations just got a little bit better! On February 11, 2015, Better Business Bureau announced a partnership with Porch.com, cementing an innovative partnership intended to provide consumers with the opportunity to make more accurate, researched decisions when searching for the right home improvement professional. With convenient access to customer reviews and consumer ratings all in one opportune location, it’s easier than ever for homeowners to make the best possible choice for their home.

BBB is a not-for-profit organization founded in 1912 as a way to develop marketplace trust by providing a forum for individuals to supply company recommendations, seek conflict resolution and resolve issues with community businesses. With a solid reputation for legitimacy, BBB serves as a trustworthy way for consumers to confront problems and for companies to develop a strong reputation, offering dozens of location-specific services in metro areas all across the United States and Canada. In addition, BBB acts as an intermediary for more than four million companies, settling disputes and fostering strong relationships while maintaining one of the largest databases of reviews and complaint records in the world. In 2014, the BBB system contained more than 165 million Business Reviews, serving a strong and reliable marketplace resource. In order to boost credibility, businesses have the ability to support the BBB by becoming an Accredited Business, providing an additional level of certification and approval.

Porch, the home network, enables homeowners to make smart home improvement decisions by giving them the information they need to find the right professionals, get inspiration and manage their home. Founded by CEO and Chairman Matt Ehrlichman in 2013, Porch’s database of more than 3.2 million professionals also serves as the in-store resource for all 1,700 Lowe’s stores. The Porch App, a first of its kind app, gives homeowners direct access to a personal Porch Concierge to help find the best professionals for their home.

For small business owners and sole proprietors, Internet reputation can be extremely valuable. With the popularity of review sites, consumers rarely contact a business without spending a few minutes reading reviews and comparing similar companies. Companies with a strong and positive web presence are more likely to gain customers and do more business, making consistent, quality reviews important. By creating a partnership between one of the most reliable web sources for trustworthy reviews and ratings, Porch has the potential to become the No. 1 resource for homeowners.

The newly-forged partnership between Porch and BBB is adding a much-needed level of reliability to an already popular interface. Users of Porch are now able to see relevant BBB ratings and reviews without any additional effort in order to make the best possible decisions. Under the rating section on each contractor’s page, BBB information is available for easy access. Homeowners can quickly see a contractor’s BBB rating, Accredited Business credential and disclaimer information in order to make an informed decision with minimal effort. If a contractor is not accredited or has no ratings, this information is also included. According to the partnership terms, new information will be made available every 24 hours, ensuring that Porch users have round-the-clock access to accurate, timely information about area professionals.

Example of BBB Accredited Business in Porch.com search results
Example of BBB Accredited Business profile on Porch.com
Example of BBB Accredited Business profile on Porch.com

While BBB ratings will be available for easy access on the Porch site, the partnership will not have any effect on BBB reviews, maintaining the organization’s credibility and marketplace reliability. BBB does not provide any confidential information to partners and serves simply as a source for legitimate and trusted industry reviews. Businesses will be unable to edit or remove BBB information, ensuring that Porch users have access to dependable and unaltered information.

When two industry leaders merge, the end result is almost always beneficial for all parties involved. With the union between Better Business Bureau and Porch, homeowners can now choose contractors with the utmost confidence. Providing easy, convenient access to thousands of business reviews, certifications and ratings, consumers now have access to up-to-date, trustworthy information in order to ensure a successful pairing for families, individuals and craftsmen alike. From construction to-do-it yourself home improvement projects, each and every job is guaranteed to be a surefire success.
